Sunday, November 4, 2012

A year on

Well, there were moments in the past 12 months that i didn't think I would survive. The pain of separating and losing contact with two small children has been indescribable at times. Although the pain comes in waves and I miss the children terribly, I have learned to compartmentalize my feelings. A few months ago I picked up a small pink box and over time have slowly packed away things that belonged or remind me of the girls as well as photos and cards that I had bought them for their birthdays this year (but never sent). I have opened the box a few times and had a good cry but also smiled at the memories shared and lessons learned.

Life goes on, I accept this. I am in a good place now, wonderful partner, great house, supportive work mates and fabulous friends and family. I know I don't regret anything that's changed, but I do wish at times I was spared the pain and still had a relationship with the girls.