Friday, February 10, 2012

95 Questions - part 1

The following is taken from 95 Questions to Help You Find Meaning and Happiness. I saw this and thought it was a good way to kick start me thinking about the way forward.

I won't get through all 95 questions tonight but over the next few days i will tackle them all....
  1. In one sentence, who are you? I'm just trying to be myself, honest, loving, friendly, generous however I am well know for over thinking and analysing things
  2. Why do you matter? because I am awesome!
  3. What is your life motto? Live your life out loud
  4. What’s something you have that everyone wants? freedom and time on my own
  5. What is missing in your life? my own children
  6. What’s been on your mind most lately? loss, grief, the future
  7. Happiness is a ________? being content in yourself
  8. What stands between you and happiness? myself and my over thinking
  9. What do you need most right now? my friends
  10. What does the child inside you long for? approval and acceptance

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