It's been an interesting few days and Miss 4 is now starting to ask more and more questions. Her questions are random and cover things like why mum and dad aren't married anymore, can she call me mum sometimes, will mum or dad have more babies. Sometimes I am honestly thrown by the questions and sometimes I laugh. At times Miss 4's questions show how complex kids minds are and at times I am amused by her interpretation of events and issues.
Last week I was asked a few times what the children call me I've never considered that I should or would be called 'mum'. Mainly for the simple reason that I am not their mum. I may be like a mum in some of the things that I do but I don't believe that they would ever call me 'mum'. It's funny though some people assume that because of their age they will just call me mum as opposed to my name. In all honesty, I would be extremely honoured one day to be called mum by someone but it's the role I've taken on with these girls. Miss 4 explains to people at times that I am her friend and I love that, if I can be another person in her life to love and support her then I think my job is done. These girls have gone through the separation of their parents and having been through that myself I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So my aim for the next period of time we have them is to remind myself constantly to be the best person and role model I can be. Because at the end of the day, when I look at my mum and those other strong women I considered to be mum like role models they are people that may not always tell me the things that I like but they do this to guide me in the right direction because they love me and know how I think. I am very lucky.
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